What I Want To Achieve in 2017

Dezember 31, 2016

Hello folks.

Last year I made a post about why I think New Years Resolutions are useless. This year I still agree with myself and everything I said in that post. The following "goals" certainly aren't things that come out of nowhere and are definitely achievable, since I started working on (almost) all of these things already in the previous year. These are goals I want to achieve during the year and make a new habit of mine. ~enjoy~

1. Be more organized.
This one, I feel like, is an obvious one. As I mentioned multiple times already I am going to take my A-Levels this year and even though I do perform quite good at the moment in school I know I am not up to my full potential.
To be more organized I already started a studyblr tumblr blog, which you can find here: https://studybllrr.tumblr.com/. On there I want to keep you updated with my school stuff, my progress and my bullet journal which I started for 2017. I really like the idea of bullet journals and since my calendar'll end with 2016 I already prepared all of January in the journal. I might do a full blog post just about it.

2. Work out regularly.
I work out quite a lot. But then sometimes I don't go for a run or in the gym for like two weeks. I want to change that by having a real schedule which I can't just ignore. Working out is not only good for my body but also for my mind. So if I had a busy day at school it would actually help me to go to the gym, even though I might be two hours later at home.

3. Read about 30 minutes a day.
Reading has always been huge and important for me. But during the last couple of years I noticed that the amount of books I got through during a year dropped strongly. During holidays I always find loads of time for loads of books but as soon as I am home I just forget it. And I want to change that by setting myself the goal to read a little bit a day.

4. Journal more often. 
At the beginning of 2016 I started a diary in which I wrote quite regularly until about April. Then it just stopped. Now at the end I am actually sad I couldn't keep it up. I want to improve and at the end of the year have a full journal filled with happy and not so happy days from the last year.

5. Upload regularly. This goal does include my YouTube channel and this blog. I noticed that sometimes I have weeks in which I upload on this blog like four times a week and then for months nothing. Same with the YouTube channel. So I'll try and get a schedule in it.

6. Practice the piano more often. 
Just because I love playing the piano and I'd love to be able to do more things. And also because I think my piano teacher soon will rip my head of :D

7. Try Yoga.
"Try new things" and stuff. I found this YouTube channel called "Yoga with Adrienne" and twice I tried her programs out and really enjoyed it.

8. Be happier. 

9. Make myself a priority.

10. Go outside more often.
Just to enjoy natures beauty and get fresh air. I'll also try and hit the 10.000 steps goal every day. During school that is no problem but in the holidays I often just stay inside and don't move very much.

11. Turn off electronic devices more often. 
During 2016 I often did weekends with digital detoxes and I found it so refreshing and felt a lot free-er. I want to continue doing that, but even more often. Generally I spend a lot of time on the phone and the laptop.

12. Maintain a regular sleeping schedule. 
Again, during the holidays that is no problem at all. But especially during exam seasons I get only five to six hours of sleep for four or five weeks, making me not only moody but also not very present. The days fly by and I am so tired that I become an absent-minded mess.

13. Drink more water. 
I definitely improved with the water intake and drink at least 1 liter a day. But I want to push myself and drink even more. I set myself the goal to drink like 1.5 up to 2 liters a day. (or more if possible)

14. Enjoy the little things in life. Ties in with many other goals.

15. Meet friends more often. DON'T just say "Sorry, I am busy" or come up with a lousy excuse. I need to just push myself, leave the house and hang out with my friends because we always have loads of fun and make great memories.

16. Be less stressed. 
It will be a stressful year. I know that. But I don't need to push myself into the stress even deeper by overthinking and exaggerating.

So that is it!
My full list of things I want to improve. And I say "improved" very consciously, because I feel like on each of these subjects I worked on already in 2016. But now in 2017 I don't want to lose focus and yet again make myself aware of what I already achieved and what I can improve.

Do you have goals for 2017? Tell me in the comments, I am actually very curious.

Have a happy New Years Eve,
Paula C.

I also did a video about some of the goals: 

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