I Outgrew My Friends

September 16, 2015

When I was a child my mum bought the most amazing dress in the world. 
It was all white, had red roses and some leaves on it. It was just so beautiful to me and I loved wearing it to every possible occasion. 
But of course, during winter I was not able to wear it.
When I tried it on in spring again it did not fit. So my mum bought me a new dress. It was completely blue with some white dots on it. Even though I missed my old dress I felt how I have gotten tired of the white and red and green. So I learned to love the new one.

And that is exactly how I feel with some of my friends at the moment. 

The first person is my girl best friend. We starting hanging out, because we fancied the same guy. He decided to choose me. At first she was really angry, but we started talking and saw that we were having some similarities. We ended up meeting every weekend and when the guy and I got in a relationship she was happy for me, so in the end it was fine again. (We were like 12 or 13).
This is now 4 years ago and ever since that we have been best friends. Told each others everything, had loads of fun when we were around each other, spent nearly every free weekend and afternoon with each other. 
Last year she decided to go to India for 6 months, from June to the end of December. During that time I have changed a lot. Even though we were texting and skyping nearly every day I felt that I had a better connection with other girls from my class. 
When she got back we totally lost each other. The thing is, that she doesn't even seem to notice. She got a boyfriend and now spends all of her time with him. 
I can't trust her (which I had to find out the hard way unfortunately); everything we had in common has changed; she listens to crap music; she has no sense of humour, so when I am making an ironic joke she either gets upset or doesn't get it at all and it seems like she doesn't even know me anymore. 
I have invited her over many times, but she was always "busy", aka visiting her boyfriend. Now I finally managed to make her stay the night, which will happen on Friday. 
And I have absolutely no idea what's about to happen. Maybe it will be catastrophically. You never know. But at least I can say I tried...

With the second person it is more complicated. It is my boy best friend. 
About 3 years ago he started texting me continuously. In the beginning I was really annoyed, but since he just continued and continued I kind of got used to it until I really liked texting to him. And we ended up doing it 24/7. Sometimes nonsensical things, but when it got night time we started talking about life, death and god basically. We were also doing loads of stuff in school together and I always enjoyed it. 
But when he was at his first party and got intoxicated he texted me "I love you." 
That is probably when it all got downhill. 
I was trying to play it cool, because when another guy texted me in the morning he said that my best friend has gotten so drunk that he actually had to throw up and could not remember a thing from the night before. 
I am not a huge fan of an overdose of alcohol. "Know your limit" and stuff.
He just ignored it, as if nothing has happened. 
But now, every time he went to a party I got the same text, saying that he loves me. And the next morning he pretended nothing has happened.
It got to the point where other guys from the party texted me, saying things like 
"Don't believe him, he is just really drunk lol"
Until people started telling me that he got really upset when I did not reply with "I love you too", but with stuff like "Well, who was it this time?"; that he actually nearly started crying.
When we met he got weird and started touching me. Not in an abusive way, just more than usual. 
Again, I got sick of it. Not being able to talk to him as we did before, not being able to trust him. He was the one I talked to, when I had an awkward get-together with a friend who then tried to kiss me. Instead of giving advice, as he did before, he acted really weird, got upset and started hating the boy. When we did a TWD marathon he slid closer and closer to me until he almost sat on my lap. He did not really got into the conversations we had at 2 a.m, he just kind of listened to me, until he started not answering at all. But he liked winding me up. With my taste of music, the almost-kiss-boy, my friends and stuff I have posted on social media.
I hope you understand why I decided to not text him back anymore. 

But what about you?

Have you ever had a really close friend or even best friend you lost for no real reason?

Do you get sick of your friend sometimes?

Please tell me in the comments below.

Paula Charlotte xx

(taken from tumblr.)

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