The 5 Songs I Love at the Moment

Dezember 09, 2016

Hello people.

Music is a huge part of my life. I think half of my days I spent either listening to music or making music myself. And the other half I spend in school and am asleep. And I am not exaggerating when I am saying this, this is literally how it is. While I am writing this I am listening to Micheal Jackson. During breaks I like to go to the piano room and play a bit. I sing like 24/7.

So as music really is a big part of my life I thought it would only be appropriate to talk about it a bit more on my blog. Starting off with my favorite songs at the moment.
I might make this a regular thing.. not sure..

Anyway, let's go!

Pretty. Odd. - Panic! At The Disco

You might be wondering: But Paula this is not a song! but let me explain.
This whole album is so relaxing to listen to and the songs are beautiful and dOn't get me started on the lyrics. As I had to study a lot during the last weeks that was my go to album to play in the background. I had it on repeat for hours and hours so it is only fair for it to be the number one on this list. Seriously, if you have never listened to this album because you heard shit like "it's not proper panic stuff" then do the following: LISTEN TO IT RIGHT NOW!
Pretty. Odd. is actually the first album I ever bought of Panic! because I heard the song When the day met the night. I instantly fell in love and bought it. A few weeks later I owned every single record, so Pretty. Odd. basically started my obsession with Panic!.
And if you have never heard of Panic! At The Disco then do the following: LISTEN TO IT RIGHT. NOW! I have to say that is one of the best bands I know, Brendon Urie is seriously the best vocalist I know of (and pretty handsome as well).
Genre: I think Pretty. Odd. is kind of Rock, Pop, Indie, Beatles inspired genre. You can't really specify, the songs are quite varied.

Movin' Out - Billy Joel
I only recently discovered the song. Yes, I know, shame on me. But I heard it in the background of a video on YouTube and searched the comments for the name of the song and luckily somebody had mentioned it. I started listening to it on repeat and play it on the piano (much to the annoyance of my parents because you gotta hit these chords). My father then gave my all of his Billy Joel records and I started listen to then on my way to school.
I love the bass line and the rather odd combination of chords. Also the change of mood.. I don't know how to describe it properly, there is just a lot happening in that song but somehow it all fits together.
Genre: rock

Warned You - Good morning
I don't exactly know what I love about this song so much. It has the 80/90 inspired guitar in the background, that might be one reason for me. But, you know, that song is just chill. I love listening to it while laying in bed, writing or just thinking. It is perfect background music: Again, the bass line is very interesting. The lyrics aren't strong though.
Genre: Honestly, no idea.

Sickly Sweet Holidays - Dallon Weekes
An unknown christmas song which I adore so much. Dallon Weekes is Panic! At The Discos bassist and he also makes music himself and in his band The Brobecks. It makes christmas rockesque, the lyrics are very cute and.. honest you might say. I just love it. As Dallon Weekes is a bassist, the bass is very present in the song, which is such a great turn, because usually the bass is too quiet in my opinion. Just listen to it if you are getting sick of the oh so lovely Mariah Carrey or Micheal Bublé. Another great thing about this song: Dallon is singing so lovely! And he made all of the song himself and recorded it at home? Like what? I think the drums did someone else, but despite that... How amazing is that?! So, please listen to it, it is on YouTube and Spotify.
Genre: Rock

Mean 'Ol Moon - Dallon Weekes Cover
This is a cover of the v beautiful song "Mean 'Ol Moon" by Amanda Seyfried. She sang the song for the movie Ted 2 which I am not a fan of by THIS SONG IS BEAUTIFUL. Amanda Seyfried did an amazing job but Dallon Weekes did an even better job and I love his quick cover of it. The link to the video is here, it is only available on YouTube (I think..?) Anyways, it is wonderful and Dallon sings it perfectly. I already talked about Dallon a lot so I'll keep it simple this time.
Genre: Jazzy cabaret old kind of music?

Soooo here we go, a list of the songs I listened to during the last few weeks. This is definitely not representative for my taste in music, but you get an idea. I think I will update you on my favorite songs every once in a while, but this is it for today.

Singing off key is always okay,
Paula Charlotte.

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