Dear Diary...| Busy Friday and Sleepover
Oktober 17, 2015Dear Diary..
So, last weekend was extremely busy and eventful, but definitely in a good way. Let me tell you about it.
Starting with friday morning. It was really foggy when I woke up. As I opened the window I could feel the moisture climbing in my room, but it was not too cold, so I put on my favorite t shirt and simply layered it with a jacket.
I actually got up a but early than I usually do, so i had enough time to drink coffee and have oatmeal with some blue berries. What a relaxing start in the day I had.
My father luckily drove me to the train station, so I did not have to walk through the fog. During the 10 minute train journey heaven seemed to rip and raindrops started punching against the windows. really enjoyable. I listened to Lana Del Rey's "ultraviolence" album.
Together with a friend I walked through the rain to school.
First lesson was biology, horrible as always. My teacher is a nightmare. He tells us all the time how stupid we are and how stupid we all are, picks us at random and is happy when we get the answer wrong.
In the second and third lesson I wrote my italian exam. went good, I think. I did not know the past tense of 'andare', but luckily I guessed it right.
Forth lesson was german and our teacher just "went to buy a coffee" and was gone for 30 minutes. when she came back the class was almost over.
After that school was over and I felt like walking on clouds when I left the school building. Everything was screaming 'weekend', even though the wetness of the fog and the rain was soaking into my clothes.
I got home at 1 pm, which is almost ridiculous, considering, that I am usually home at about 4 pm.
My mom made pizza for us, so we ate together and told us about our days.
I had some spare time I spent on the internet.
On 3 pm I had to leave again to go to Mary, the girl I give tutoring in math (and other subjects if needed). She is so lovely and really gets more and more outgoing. She is not as shy as the first time I went there, which is great. Her parents were so glad I was there. They said that I am making her more open minded and happier. I can feel the change as well and it makes working with her easier. I seriously love this girl.
After two hours of exhausting math working I went home again, had a quick shower and got dressed, as I also had dinner at 6 pm with some friends.
I got in the train, went to the restaurant and had a great evening with these guys. All of them are so funny and I we all trust each other, so our group was just perfect. We had the nicest of hours, laughed a lot and the food was delicious as well (had some pasta with pesto and pignolia.)
At 9:30 we decided to go home, as we all were exhausted by the week. Again, I went by train and arrived at home at 10 pm.
I was so tired! It was unbelievable. But there was still something on the agenda for this day: I had a friend here for sleepover. Viola, you know, the one I kind of grew off.
She had to work till 10 and her mom brought her here. I prepared my room, so we could snuggle into blankets, drink tea and eat popcorn and gingerbread.
Viola arrived and we had a great conversation about anything, really. We talked about a close friend (she has some trouble with her family at the moment and we were worrying about her), school and she also told me, that she was questioning herself whether it would be good to break up with her boyfriend. I gave some advice, as I always do and tried my best to help her. And as always she was talking 90 per cent of the time.
At some point (it was about 2 am) we decided to make some more tea and start watching the forth season of The Walking Dead, as she has not seen it yet. I have already seen it, so I may have accidentally fallen asleep during the second episode.
She woke me up, when she was so scared that she squeezed my arm and we went to bed.
Next morning I woke up at 9, made some breakfast and woke her up afterwards. We had some coffee and again a nice talk. After that we walked to the station, so she could drive home.
It was honestly not as bad as I expected it to be. It was nice to talk to Viola again, like, at home, not in school, having some time and being relaxed. But I do feel like something has changed and we interact differently with each other. We are also developing into different directions, as we are getting different interest and hobbies. I also don't feel as comfortable with her as I did before. I don't know if I can trust her or if she even cares about my life. We will see.
Good night, Diary.
So, sorry about the lack of communication recently, but school was just killing me. I had so many exams to study for that I did not have any time for my blog.
Tomorrow morning I will be flying to Spain, which is incredibly exciting, so I won't be able to post stuff. But afterwards I will be sharing some stories and pictures of my holidays with you, so you can look forward to that.
See you guys.